Do you need a old receipt for a transaction you performed on Menbills pervious days ago and wondering how to get it?
Note that at Menbills, we store all transactions performed by our users on a secure database so that they can have access to it for reference purpose.
In few steps below you will learn how to get a receipt for a transaction you previously performed on Menbills without stress.
Step 1: Login To Your Menbills Account
Step 2: Scroll down to the recent activity.
Step 3: Scroll the transaction list to the left and click the blue icon to view the receipt of the transaction you wish to view.
If the transaction is not displaying on the list, click “Load more” to be able to display a full list of all transactions you have performed on Menbills in the past!.
Thank you for reading. For further assistance feel free to chat up our customer care support.