Gold Emmanuel 2 weeks ago

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Soldier returns after 2 years, and his daughter says he needs to meet the “NEW DAD.” –


A soldier returns home after 2 years away on a mission, unaware that his world is about to change completely. But when his daughter tells him that he needs to meet the new “Daddy,” he is completely shocked by what he discovers next.

Richard couldn’t wait to see his little daughter’s face again. “She must be so big now,” he thought, a smile forming on his lips. Richard was a Navy soldier and had spent a long time at sea, sailing remote waters and facing the challenges of his profession.

He was returning home after two long years without seeing his family. When he left on his mission, his daughter Sophie was just 2 years old, still learning to speak and take her first steps. Now, at the age of four, the little girl was anxiously awaiting her father’s return, eager to show him all the new things she had learned and the game she had invented…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>


That morning, the sun was shining brightly through the cloudless blue sky, indicating perfect weather for a great flight. Richard, in his impeccable uniform, was waiting in the airport’s large departure lounge. He looked around, seeing people coming and going, each with their own story, but none seemed as exciting as his at that moment.

He carefully checked the presents he was carrying: a small, soft, and cuddly teddy bear for Sophie, and a beautiful necklace for his wife Vivien, something he knew she would love and that would show how much he appreciated her. “They’ll love them,” he thought, pleased with his choices and imagining the joy on their faces when they received the gifts.

Everything was in order, and Richard was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the plane. After almost an hour of waiting, it was announced that his flight was now boarding. He grabbed his things, feeling his heartbeat quicken with excitement and anticipation. As he boarded the plane, Richard settled comfortably into his seat, watching the movement around him as other passengers got settled in. He prepared himself for the 8-hour journey ahead.

He took advantage of the moment to rest—something he really needed. For the past two years, he had worked without any time off or vacations, trying to save enough money to buy the dream home he and Vivien had been planning. Their dream house represented more than just a home—it was the symbol of a future together, of stability and love.

The hours passed quickly, and when Richard woke from a deep sleep, the plane was already landing. “That was fast,” he said, rubbing his eyes and yawning. The elderly lady sitting next to him gave him a friendly smile and informed him, “Actually, dear, we arrived an hour early. The pilot warned us while you were asleep.”

Richard was glad to have arrived early. “Great, thanks,” he said to the old lady, feeling even more excited. He had arranged for Vivien to pick him up at the airport, but now that he was early, he could take a cab home and surprise her. The thought of arriving unexpectedly and seeing the expressions of amazement and joy on their faces made him smile even more.

After picking up his luggage, Richard headed for the cab rank. As the cab pulled away from the airport, he observed the familiar sights with a mixture of nostalgia and joy. Every street, every building seemed to welcome him. “I’m almost there,” he thought, feeling his heartbeat stronger with every mile he traveled.

The cab sped through the streets he knew so well, and the anticipation of reuniting with his family filled his heart with happiness. Arriving home, Richard paid the taxi driver and got out of the car, carrying his bags and the presents. He walked to the door, a smile growing on his face. Richard felt a wave of emotion wash over him. He was home at last, and his family was there, waiting for him. He couldn’t wait to hug Sophie and Vivien, to feel their warmth and share all the moments he had dreamed of during the long years at sea. “Finally, I’m home,” he thought, taking a deep breath before opening the door.

He could only imagine Sophie’s beaming smile and Vivien’s warm embrace, but little did Richard know that the one who would be surprised would be him.

Richard slowly opened the door and left his suitcases in the entry hall. Immediately, he heard a childish voice coming from upstairs—it was Sophie.

“I don’t want the pink bow, Mommy. I want the green one this time,” said Sophie in her usual lively voice.

Richard felt a rush of emotions when he finally heard his daughter’s voice after so long, and the longing grew even stronger when he heard Vivien’s voice.

“But the pink one goes better with the dress, honey. Don’t you want to try it?” Vivien’s voice, soft as ever, was music to Richard’s ears. He heard Sophie complain a little more and then settle for the pink bow.

Light footsteps followed as Sophie came down the stairs, entering the living room where Richard was waiting with tearful eyes.

“Daddy!” Sophie shouted as she ran into Richard’s open arms. The reunion was everything he had imagined. Richard felt the comfort of the embrace of the daughter he hadn’t seen for so long. He could hardly believe that he was back home with his family.

However, the moment that was supposed to be joyful quickly turned into something Richard never imagined. He heard more footsteps coming down the stairs, and then Vivien’s voice echoed through the house.

“You’re here, dear. It’s almost time to go to the airport. Did you get the car washed?”

Richard was a little confused by the question, but when Vivien entered the living room, his confusion deepened. As soon as Vivien laid eyes on Richard, her serene expression changed drastically to one of complete terror. She turned pale and began to stutter, searching for the words that eluded her.

But it was Richard who was in complete shock. He stared at Vivien as he tried to process what he was seeing—his wife’s giant belly. Vivien was pregnant.

Sophie, unable to understand the complexity of the situation between the adults, jumped up and down with joy. “Look, Mommy! Daddy’s here! He’s home!”

Vivien, still in complete shock, couldn’t say a word. Richard, incredulous, finally asked, “What the hell is going on here?”

Before she could say anything, a horn sounded from outside. Sophie ran to the window excitedly and announced in her sweet, peaceful voice, “He’s here!” Then she ran back to Richard and held his hand. “Daddy, you have to meet the new daddy.”

Richard’s heart froze, and he stood still, looking at Vivien’s even paler face. “I—It’s not what you think,” were the only words that escaped Vivien’s stiff lips.

The two of them stood there, staring at each other while the clock on the wall ticked away the agonizing seconds. Richard took a step back, his world crumbling around him. He pulled Sophie gently to him, trying to process the situation.

“Vivien, what’s going on?” he finally managed to ask, his voice shaking with emotion.

Vivien opened her mouth to reply, but the words seemed to escape her. She took a step toward Richard but stopped, looking desperately at the door. Sophie, still holding Richard’s hand, pulled him slightly. “Come on, Daddy, you have to meet the new daddy. He’s really nice! You’ll like him.”

Richard looked at his daughter, his heart squeezing. “New daddy?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

But before she could answer, the front door opened, and a man walked in. He was tall, with dark hair and a calm expression on his face. When he saw Richard, he stopped, surprise clearly evident on his face.

“Vivien, who is that?” Richard asked, his voice laden with pain and confusion.

Vivien finally found her voice. “Richard, I… I can explain.”

Richard felt as if the ground had disappeared beneath his feet. He looked at the man standing in front of him, dumbfounded, then back at Vivien, trying to make sense of the situation.

“What is going on? Is Vivien really pregnant with another man’s baby?”

To understand the story better, we need to go back two years. Richard and Vivien met at college, at a party organized by mutual friends. From the first moment, the connection between them was instantaneous—a spark of mutual understanding and attraction. Richard was charming and determined, with a passion for the sea that inspired the young Vivien. He would talk about his adventures and dreams of sailing to distant seas, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

The young woman, for her part, was sweet and intelligent, always with a smile on her face that brightened any room. Vivien was known for her kindness and sharp mind, characteristics that captivated Richard from the start. They dated for two years before getting married, and this period was marked by many adventures and discoveries together, building a solid foundation of love and trust.

Richard and Vivien shared interests and life goals, further strengthening their bond. Shortly after their wedding, Sophie was born, bringing even more joy and meaning to their lives. The arrival of little Sophie was a moment of pure happiness and fulfillment for the young couple.

However, like many young couples, their financial life wasn’t easy. Richard, with his soldier’s salary, and Vivien, working as a teacher, struggled to make ends meet at the end of the month. The household expenses, Sophie’s education, and their dreams of a better future weighed heavily on their shoulders. They dreamed of a bigger house—a place where Sophie could grow up with more space and comfort, a home that represented stability and security

It was then that Richard made the difficult decision that would change their lives. He accepted a two-year mission in a confidential location, which promised a generous payment. This opportunity, though arduous, could give them the chance to finally buy the house of their dreams and provide a better life for Sophie.

“We’ll make it, love. Two years will go by quickly,” said Richard, holding Vivien’s hands firmly, his voice full of determination.

Vivien, with tears in her eyes, replied, “I know. I’m just going to miss you so much, and Sophie too. You know how much she loves you.”

The goodbyes were painful, marked by tight hugs and promises of a brief reunion. Richard left home, taking with him the promise to return soon, his heart heavy with the longing he already felt.

During the mission, the family communicated through letters since Richard’s location was secret and communication was limited. At first, Vivien’s letters were long and full of details about Sophie’s growth and the routine at home.

“Darling, Sophie is growing up so fast! She started to speak more and always asks for you. I can’t wait for you to come back and see how smart she is,” Vivien wrote enthusiastically, filling each letter with love and longing.

Over time, however, Vivien’s letters became less frequent. Richard understood that life as a solo mother was difficult, and he felt sorry that he couldn’t help with the burden of the daily routine. However, he missed her loving words and the updates on Sophie. He tried not to worry, concentrating on the mission and counting down the days until he could be home again. He knew that every day that passed brought him closer to the moment when he could embrace his family again.

Finally, after two long years, Richard was on his way home. He couldn’t wait to see his family, hold Sophie in his arms, and kiss Vivien. He imagined the expressions of joy on their faces, the warm hugs, and the moments of reconnection. But when he arrived, the surprise that awaited him was unimaginable.

Richard felt a mixture of emotions as he approached home—anxious and a little apprehensive. He couldn’t foresee the impact that two years of separation would have, but he was determined to recapture every lost moment and celebrate the reunion with his beloved family.

But instead, Richard found himself in a situation he would never have imagined—a nightmare straight out of a movie. Seeing Vivien next to that man, the soldier tried to contain himself, but the surprise and pain of potential betrayal hit him like a punch in the stomach.

“Sophie, go upstairs. Daddy will be there in a second,” Richard said, trying to protect his daughter from what was to come. His tone, however, betrayed the emotional storm raging inside him. Sophie ran up the stairs, her quick steps echoing through the house, leaving the adults behind to deal with their emotional drama.

Vivien, realizing the seriousness of the situation, began to speak rapidly, her voice shaky and desperate.

“My love, I can explain! It’s not what you think,” she pleaded, her eyes filling with tears, reflecting the emotional turmoil she was feeling.

The man next to her, sensing the tension in the air, raised his hands in a gesture of peace and tried to intervene.

“She’s right, Richard. It really isn’t what it seems,” said the young man.

But Richard’s anger boiled over, and he interrupted harshly. “My wife is pregnant. I’ve spent two years away, Vivien—how could you do this to me?”

His words came out like gunfire, full of pain and disbelief. He couldn’t believe his eyes, or his heart.

Vivien’s tears flowed freely down her face as she tried to explain. “Richard, it’s not what you think. This is Danny. He’s just a friend.”

But that only made Richard angrier. “Just a friend, Vivien? Because from what I can see, he’s much more than that. My daughter calls him ‘the new daddy,’ and you’re pregnant with his child!”

Richard was at his boiling point, his mind unable to process all the contradictory information. But what Vivien said next turned her husband’s anger into complete confusion.

“He’s gay!” Vivien suddenly shouted. “Danny and his boyfriend Alex—they’re gay.”

The confusion on Richard’s face gave way to a look of bewilderment.

“Gay? What do you mean? I don’t understand…”

Vivien looked at Danny, who stepped forward, trying to help explain.

“Richard, my boyfriend Alex and I have always dreamed of having a child, but the adoption process didn’t work out for us. So, we asked Vivien to be our surrogate.”

Richard blinked several times, his mind spinning with the flood of information. Danny’s words swirled around in his head as he tried to piece them together coherently.

“And why is my daughter calling you ‘the new daddy’? Explain that!” Richard demanded, his voice still tinged with disbelief.

Danny gave a small, relaxed laugh, which contrasted with the seriousness of the moment. “Sophie started calling me ‘the new daddy’ because Alex and I are going to be first-time parents, you see. We’ll be the new daddies,” he said with a slight smile.

Richard took a deep breath, trying to process everything. “So… what you’re saying is that Vivien is your surrogate?”

Vivien nodded, tears still streaming down her face. “Yes, Richard. I didn’t know how to tell you. I knew it would be difficult to explain by letter, and I wanted to tell you in person. We were going to pick you up at the airport and tell you everything, but you arrived early…”

Relief, mixed with disbelief, overtook Richard. He looked at Danny, who had an expression of sincere concern and friendship, and then at Vivien, who was in tears. Richard took a deep breath, trying to absorb everything. He felt like he was in an emotional whirlwind, pulled in all directions.

“So Sophie calls him ‘daddy’ because she and Alex are going to be the parents of this baby?”

“Yes, love. I know it sounds confusing, but I just wanted to help my friends. And I didn’t know how to tell you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” Vivien said, her voice shaking with emotion.

Vivien was visibly shaken, but there was a tone of sincerity in her voice that Richard couldn’t ignore. Richard closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm the whirlwind of emotions inside him. When he opened his eyes, he met Vivien’s gaze—full of love and regret.

“Vivien, you should have told me. But I understand why you didn’t, and I… I’ll try to accept it. But it’s going to be hard seeing my wife pregnant,” Richard said, his voice softening.

Vivien ran into Richard’s arms, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, Richard. I knew you’d understand,” she sobbed, wrapping her arms around him, feeling relieved.

Danny, still standing in the doorway, gave a relieved smile. “Richard, thank you for understanding. It means a lot to me and Alex.”

Richard, still processing everything, looked at the man he had thought was his rival. “Danny, I… I just need a little time to come around, that’s all.”

Danny nodded understandingly. “Of course, Richard. We understand. And we’re here to support you both, believe me. It wasn’t easy for Vivien either—she did this out of love for our friendship.”

Little by little, Richard’s anger and confusion began to dissipate, replaced by a mixture of relief and understanding. He knew the road ahead would be difficult, but as he looked at Vivien and remembered the love they shared, he felt a spark of hope. They would face this together, as they always had.

With Richard back home, he and Vivien were finally able to buy their dream house—a cozy refuge with a spacious garden where Sophie could play freely. The house became a symbol of everything they had fought for, every corner filled with memories and fulfilled dreams. It was a place where the family could finally find peace and happiness, surrounded by the warmth of a home built with love and sacrifice.

Meanwhile, Danny and Alex also realized their dream of becoming parents. They welcomed into their arms an adorable baby boy, who filled their lives with joy and purpose. The arrival of their son brought a new dynamic to their relationship, and their home was filled with laughter and unconditional love. The baby, with his curious eyes and charming smile, brought the family and friends even closer together.

Over time, the friendship between the two couples grew stronger. Richard and Vivien became godparents to Danny and Alex’s son, and the two families began to share not only happy times but also the challenges and victories of everyday life. They organized dinners, trips, and celebrations together, creating a bond so deep that they became almost inseparable.

Sophie, now older, loved playing with the baby, and her laughter filled the house with contagious joy. The two families, brought together by an unexpected turn of fate, were living proof that love overcomes all barriers and always prevails in the end. Together, they created a circle of support and affection where each member felt valued and loved. They showed that, regardless of the adversities and surprises life can bring, the strength of love and friendship can overcome any obstacle, building a future full of happiness and unity.

As the years passed, both families continued to thrive in the love and support they had built together. Richard, reflecting on the events that had once seemed so devastating, now saw them as the foundation for a stronger, more resilient life. The soldier, once broken by the shock of betrayal, had found healing in understanding and acceptance. Vivien, too, grew stronger in her role as a mother, wife, and friend, her love for Richard deepening through the trials they had faced.

Danny and Alex, grateful for the gift Vivien had given them, embraced parenthood with joy and dedication, their son growing up surrounded by love from both his fathers and his extended family. Their bond with Richard and Vivien only strengthened, with both families finding comfort in each other’s companionship and support.

Sophie, no longer the little girl waiting for her father to return, had grown into a vibrant and confident young girl, thriving in the love and care of both her parents. She remained close to Danny and Alex, often referring to their son as her little brother, cementing the connection between the two families.

The dream house that Richard and Vivien had once longed for became a home filled with warmth, laughter, and shared memories. It was a place where friends and family gathered, where love and friendship were celebrated, and where the past pains were healed by the new beginnings they had all embraced.

And so, a story that began with separation, doubt, and pain transformed into a tale of forgiveness, understanding, and the unbreakable power of love. Two families, once strangers, became bound together by the most unexpected of circumstances, proving that even in the face of uncertainty, love always finds a way.


The post Soldier returns after 2 years, and his daughter says he needs to meet the “NEW DAD.” – first appeared on Lagos Reporters.

Author: Gold Emmanuel
07 Oct 2024 @ 07:13am
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