Gold Emmanuel 5 hours ago

North Korea vows to strengthen nuclear capabilities

North Korea vows to strengthen nuclear capabilities

North Korea has affirmed its resolution to reinforce the nation’s nuclear capabilities, rejecting last Friday’s demand by the G7 Foreign Ministers.

A statement by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States advised the DPRK to “abandon all its nuclear weapons and any other weapons of mass destruction as well as ballistic missile programs.”

The G7 Foreign Ministers noted that their call was in accordance with all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The officials also expressed serious concerns over the “DPRK’s cryptocurrency thefts”, and urged North Korea to resolve the abductions issue immediately.

On Monday, the Foreign Ministry said the country “will steadily update and strengthen its nuclear armed forces both in quality and quantity,” according to the Korean Central News Agency.

Pyongyang added that its “nuclear armed forces will exist forever as a powerful means of justice which defends the sovereignty of the state, territorial integrity and fundamental interests.”

​North Korea is building a nuclear-power submarine, a state media report indicated earlier this month.

The DPRK insists its nuclear development program prevents a war in the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia and guarantees global stability.

North Korea vows to strengthen nuclear capabilities

Author: Gold Emmanuel
18 Mar 2025 @ 06:02am
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