Gold Emmanuel 2 weeks ago

Clinton Uba, News Mirror Publisher, congratulates Prof. Ogbonna Nwabuko on his deserved elevation

Clinton Uba, News Mirror Publisher, congratulates Prof. Ogbonna Nwabuko on his deserved elevation

On behalf of the staff and Management of Kingfisher kreative Media, Publishers of News Mirror, we congratulate our dear brother and friend, Dr. Ogbonna Nwabuko on his elevation to the prestigious position of a Professor by the academic body of David Umahi Federal University of Health Sciences, Ebony state, Nigeria.

In a statement, Prince Clinton Uba described Professor Ogbonna as a focused young man, which started from the cradle, having known him for several years as a great brother and friend.

” Professor Ogbonna Collins Nwabuko is a Professor of Medicine with Public Health & Palliative Care Hematology as areas of sub-specialization.

He obtained his first degree (Bachelor’s Medicine, Bachelor Surgery, MBBS) at the prestigious University of Benin, Master of Science in Public Health (MPH) at the University of South Wales, the United Kingdom; Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Health Haematology at UNICAF University in Lesotho, Zambia and Postdoctoral fellowship in Haematology from the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, Lagos.

Professor Ogbonna C. Nwabuko is a fellow of several reputable academic and professional organisations, Viz:- a Fellow of American College of Physicians (FACP), a Fellow of Medical College of Pathologists (FMCPath), Fellow of Royal Golden Assembly of Eudoxia Lifetime (FRAEL), and Fellow of Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria (FIMC).

His teaching history dates to 2006 at the University of Port Harcourt where he did his residency in Hematology. From 2011 to 2019 he was lecturer-1 at the Abia State University. In 2020, he was appointed a honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Calabar where he taught for three years before he was promoted to Associate Professor in 2023. As an Associate Professor, he was a recognised tutor at the Universities of South Wales and Buckingham in the United Kingdom respectively.

Professor Ogbonna Nwabuko is an erudite scholar who has contributed to the body of scientific knowledge with 106 peer-reviewed publications in local and international journals”

Uba prayed that the Lord that led him thus far, will continue to direct his parts in his new elevated office.

The post Clinton Uba, News Mirror Publisher, congratulates Prof. Ogbonna Nwabuko on his deserved elevation appeared first on News Mirror.

Author: Gold Emmanuel
02 Feb 2025 @ 12:55pm
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