Gold Emmanuel 3 weeks ago

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Bank Manager Mocks Her For Being Black. 2 Hours Later, He Regrets It! –


Lavina walked into the bank, hoping to get a loan to start up her business. However, she got the shock of her life when the bank manager mocked her for being Black. Two hours later, he regretted his actions. That fateful day, Lavina clutched her purse tightly in her hands as she made her way to the office of the bank manager. She was asked to wait by the secretary; Dave was not presently available. As minutes turned into hours, Lavina remained waiting, growing increasingly impatient and confused. Other visitors arrived and were allowed in, but Lavina was denied entrance. It seemed like Dave was deliberately delaying their appointment.

Lavina’s frustration grew with each passing minute. Why would he act like this? Dave kept her waiting for over three hours before finally inviting her into his office. When she walked in, he wore a frown on his face, giving the impression that he would rather do anything else than welcome her into his office. However, Lavina refused to let his attitude deter her from her purpose…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>>



She maintained a polite smile as she stopped before his desk, expecting him to offer her a seat, but Dave said nothing. After standing awkwardly for a few seconds, she quietly took a seat. She retrieved her file from her bag and handed it to Dave. She explained that she was there to secure a substantial loan totaling millions of dollars. Lavina assured him that the file contained all the necessary information about her, but Dave didn’t so much as glance at it. Instead, he tossed the file onto his desk, his actions clearly conveying his lack of interest.

Lavina was visibly shaken, but she forced herself to remain composed. She was an experienced and successful businesswoman, and she was used to having to persuade people. She continued trying to convince him why the bank could trust her with such a significant loan, highlighting her creditworthiness and business acumen. Despite Dave’s obvious reluctance, Lavina persevered. She was determined to make her case and secure the funding she needed.

Halfway through her speech, though, Dave suddenly burst into laughter. He laughed loudly and for a long time. He wiped tears from his eyes and told her that there was no way she was getting a loan from the bank. He told her that not everybody had what it took to handle that kind of money, and only a fool would trust her with a loan. She didn’t look like someone who could handle such a large amount. As he said this, laughing, he emphasized the word look in a way that made her suspicious. Any remaining doubts about the underlying issue were soon crushed when he continued with, “I don’t think the likes of you have ever had more than a couple of hundred dollars in the bank, have you?”

He went on to insult her, calling her a fraud. He said that she was only trying to trick him into giving her the money so she could abscond with it. He assured her that he wouldn’t fall for such a cheap stunt. He was never going to give people like her a loan because, even if they were honest about its intent, they might never be able to pay it back. It simply was not in their genes. “After all, you won’t find a Black man among the wealthiest men alive. I don’t think it’s a coincidence, do you?” Dave dismissively asked her at the end of his hateful tirade.

His words stung Lavina hard as she stared at him in disbelief. She couldn’t believe he would say such rude and hateful things to her, going so far as to insult her entire race without even knowing who she was. Just because of the color of her skin, he had jumped to conclusions. He hadn’t even bothered to read the file she had painstakingly prepared for him. For the first time in a long time, Lavina felt like crying. She had never encountered such blatant prejudice before, and it shook her to her core.

But Lavina’s experiences with hardship and perseverance had prepared her for moments like these. Growing up in a poor family where her parents had to work extra hard to make ends meet had taught her the value of resilience and determination. Despite the financial struggles, Lavina’s parents encouraged her to pursue her passion for numbers and economics. She was a genius with numbers and had a sharp business mind. Even as a teenager, she took an avid interest in entrepreneurship and had many innovative ideas that she couldn’t pursue due to a lack of proper sponsorship.

As a result, Lavina knew very well how to manage money. She knew the best way to use the little she had to get as much as she could. Thanks to her exceptional intelligence, her high school experience was smooth sailing. She finished well ahead of her peers and went on to college just weeks after her 18th birthday. She was on a scholarship, studying business management, and was determined to make the most of the opportunity. College life was a whirlwind of new experiences, and Lavina thrived in the dynamic environment. She was fascinated by the world of business and spent countless hours reading, attending seminars, and networking with like-minded individuals.

In her second year of college, Lavina opened her first business. However, she didn’t have the funds to start it up, so she opted to take out a loan. Since banks were unwilling to loan money to someone so young, she had to explore alternative options. She eventually shared her idea with a professor, who loved it and decided to loan her the money. With the funding secured, Lavina poured her heart and soul into the business. She worked tirelessly to develop a solid business plan, build a strong team, and create a winning strategy. She started the business, and it was a massive hit. Within six months, she had paid back the loan and was already reaping huge profits.

The success was overwhelming, and Lavina found herself at the helm of a thriving enterprise. She ran the business for over a year, learning valuable lessons and gaining invaluable experience. However, as time passed, she began to feel a new sense of restlessness. She wanted something more challenging, something that would push her to the next level. And so, she started exploring new opportunities, ready to take on the next chapter of her entrepreneurial journey. She sold the business off for millions of dollars, making her very wealthy. Shortly after, she started a second one.

The first bank she approached for a loan approved her application, recognizing her exceptional creditworthiness. She wisely chose to use a loan to fund her new venture, keeping her personal finances safe and leveraging her savings for emergencies and investments. Using loans allowed her to grow her business faster, build credit for future financing, and enjoy tax benefits like interest deductions.

Lavina’s second business was another massive hit. Her ability to identify lucrative opportunities and execute successful strategies earned her a reputation as a rising star in the business world. Within 18 months, she had paid off the loan and interest, further solidifying her financial position. By the time she graduated from college, she had built a team of talented employees and a company that was generating substantial profits. Lavina’s remarkable achievements were a testament to her hard work, intelligence, and entrepreneurial spirit. As she looked to the future, she was poised to tackle even greater challenges and achieve even more impressive success.

For Lavina, running a business for an extended period got boring. She enjoyed the thrill and uncertainty of opening new businesses and watching them succeed. Once they were up and running smoothly, however, she got bored and started looking to sell them. When she was ready to sell her second business, the bank that gave her the loan bought it from her. The sale shook the internet, with people talking about it for a long time. Everyone was shocked that such a young woman could run a successful company and command such a sale. It cemented her status as a millionaire and made her even more popular in the business community. The bank that bought the business recorded a spike in their shares, and their value skyrocketed almost overnight. It was as if Lavina was a good luck charm.

So, when she was ready to apply for a loan for her third business idea, banks were eager to approve her application. They were practically falling over each other to give her the loan, recognizing her exceptional track record and potential for success. This time around, Lavina had an even more ambitious business idea, which needed a staggering amount of money. This time, though, everyone was interested in her because they knew that whoever gave her the loan would benefit in multiple ways. Having already conducted thorough research, she knew exactly what to do to make it happen.

She chose a specific bank for the loan, expecting to be treated with respect. However, to her shock, the manager was rude to her from the very start, simply because of her skin color. Now, she sat quietly in the seat as Dave continued to berate her, mocking her and hurling insults for being Black. Tears burned her eyelids as she wondered what she had done to deserve such treatment. She deeply regretted stepping foot in the bank.

Suddenly, she grabbed the file from Dave’s desk and surged to her feet. She was no longer interested in securing a loan from them. With a grunt of disgust, she hastily exited Dave’s office, leaving behind the toxic atmosphere. As she made her way down the stairs and into the lobby, Dave’s maniacal laughter followed her. Lavina’s face burned with indignation and humiliation as she pushed through the crowd of customers, desperate to escape the suffocating environment. Finally, she emerged outside. Working almost feverishly, Lavina got into her car and wept profusely.

She didn’t weep for long, though, as her sadness soon gave way to anger. Lavina was highly disappointed in the bank and refused to let the matter slide. Dave’s behavior had been highly disrespectful, and she was determined to make him pay for it. With a fierce look of determination in her eyes, Lavina keyed the ignition and flo

ored the pedal, driving out of the bank’s parking lot as if she were being chased.

Meanwhile, still seated in his office, Dave continued to chuckle about how he had handled the situation. It gave him great joy to see that he had made Lavina cry. He couldn’t believe the audacity she had shown by coming to ask for such a huge loan, and he couldn’t imagine what a Black woman would need with such a large amount of money. He felt satisfied that he had put her in her place. He then promised himself that he would do the same to any other Black person who dared to walk through his doors seeking a loan.

With a deep feeling of satisfaction, he returned to work, thinking that he would never have to deal with Lavina again. Just two hours later, his telephone rang. It was his secretary, informing him that Tyler, his boss and the CEO of the bank, was coming to see him. She also gave him a heads-up that Tyler seemed angry. Dave’s heart sank as he wondered what could have triggered the CEO’s ire.

Dave didn’t even have time to compose himself before the door swung open, and the CEO stormed in. His face was twisted in anger as he glared at the manager, who jumped up hastily. Dave greeted him with a shaky voice, but Tyler didn’t say a word. He just stared hard at Dave, making him nervous and fidgety. A few seconds later, the door creaked open again, and Dave’s eyes widened in shock as Lavina appeared at the entrance. She walked slowly and stood beside Tyler, her eyes fixed on Dave with an unnerving intensity, making him feel like he was facing a firing squad.

Attempting to feign ignorance, Dave asked who she was and the reason for her visit. “Don’t you dare pretend like you don’t know her,” Tyler almost screamed. Dave’s eyes darted wildly. His face turned pale as he realized the gravity of the situation. He visibly shrunk in his seat, and his shoulders slumped in defeat. “You know what, Dave? I’m highly disappointed in you,” Tyler began. He had appointed him bank manager, certain he would excel in his role. Sadly, within six months, Dave had revealed his tendency to prioritize race over customer service.

As Tyler spoke, Dave’s eyes dropped. He felt so ashamed. He poorly tried to defend himself, stammering, “I… I was just trying to assess her creditworthiness.” But Tyler cut him off. “Don’t insult my intelligence. You’ve shown yourself to be a bigot, and now you’ll face the consequences.”

As the conversation progressed, Dave’s terror grew. His career, his reputation, everything was crumbling around him. He realized his fate was all but sealed. His eyes welled up with tears, but he dared not cry, fearing it would only make things worse. His career at the bank was about to come to an abrupt end just because he had humiliated one Black woman.

Dave, who was still relatively new to the city, had no idea who Lavina was, but that was no excuse for his behavior. If he had taken the time to review her file or research her before their meeting, he would have discovered her impressive achievements and the benefits of working with her. However, his bias against Black people led him to dismiss her without courtesy, prioritizing his prejudices over professionalism. Tyler enlightened Dave about Lavina’s accomplishments, highlighting her remarkable success at a young age. He explained how collaborating with her would not only benefit the bank’s reputation but also bring in new opportunities. By refusing her loan, Dave had harmed the bank, potentially damaging their position in the stock exchange. His actions had far-reaching consequences, and he was about to face the repercussions.

Realizing his grave mistake, Dave apologized profusely. He clasped his hands together, pleading with Lavina to accept his apology. However, Lavina saw through his insincerity. He was only sorry because of her influence and the trouble he was in. She knew that he didn’t truly regret his actions but rather the consequences that followed. This realization only added to Lavina’s sense of vindication as she thought back to her earlier actions.

After leaving the bank earlier, Lavina had reported him to Tyler to hold him accountable for his actions, and now she was satisfied that he would face the consequences. She declined his apology and shared that she would secure the loan from a different bank with better rates. With a calm and collected demeanor, Lavina turned to leave, but Tyler quickly stopped her. Then he turned to Dave and fired him on the spot. He explained that he couldn’t afford to have someone biased against other races in charge of his bank. He emphasized his vision for an institution open to everyone, regardless of color or social standing.

Tyler then ordered Dave off the premises, instructing him that his severance package would be sent soon. Dave’s attempts to beg for a second chance fell on deaf ears, as the CEO’s anger was too great to be appeased. As Dave left the office, his head hung low in shame. He struggled to hold back tears. The junior staff, whom he had once looked down on, now gloated at his downfall. They pointed fingers, made mocking faces, and snickered behind his back. Some even openly jeered, “Hey, look at the bigot. He got what he deserved.” Dave’s face burned with humiliation as he hastened his pace, desperate to escape the scornful gazes.

As he emerged into the bright sunlight, Dave felt like a shadow of his former self. He couldn’t shake the feeling that his bias had not only cost him his job but also damaged his reputation irreparably. Passersby seemed to stare right through him, as if sensing his shame. Dave quickened his pace, eager to escape the public eye, but the mocking voices and snickers followed him. He regretted his actions deeply, realizing too late the harm his prejudice had caused.

Now alone, Tyler took Dave’s seat and invited Lavina to sit down. He apologized again for the mistreatment and assured her that he was willing to do whatever it took to ensure she secured the loan from them. He even offered to reduce the interest rates to appease her. Lavina smiled, and an intense bargaining session ensued. She successfully negotiated with Tyler to lower the interest rate to the bare minimum, making her happy since she would pay back significantly less than initially planned. Once her business was operational, Lavina decided to remain with the bank, not only due to the favorable terms but also because she didn’t want to penalize an entire bank and staff for the mistakes of one man.

It was a major deal that shook the internet once the loan was granted to her. All eyes were on her to see how well she would grow her business. Everyone was eagerly anticipating the opportunity to invest in or buy her company once it was up and running. Tyler hired another manager, someone who was more compassionate and happy to work with everyone, regardless of their race or color. Lavina went on to start her business, and just as projected, it was a massive success. She had endured one of the worst experiences, but she didn’t let it hold her back from achieving her goals. She was able to hold Dave accountable for his actions and still secured the loan at a discounted interest rate, achieving a satisfying outcome. She had everything she wanted and more.



The post Bank Manager Mocks Her For Being Black. 2 Hours Later, He Regrets It! – first appeared on Lagos Reporters.

Author: Gold Emmanuel
02 Oct 2024 @ 19:34pm
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